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Welcome to AFC.


Please feel free to browse around our website for our straightforward range of practical financial services helps you look after your family, home and belongings.


Accountax Finance Corporation


We have been helping many people to get out of their financial difficulties for many years. Most of our services are free and you have no commitment to take our advice.

Conceptually, we operate a Financial Surgery service.  In effect a service can be provided in the surgery or a client referred to a solution centre we are sure will provide the desired service depending on specific client's circumstances and nature of the problem.



Need An Accountant?

Accounting and Tax matters are critical and cannot afford to get them wrong. Our Accountants can help you to get the best advise and practical experience to make your business more profitable. read more

Our Service Guarantee


Whatever your requirement is, our aim is to make the whole process as smooth and straightforward as possible.

Loans & Mortgages.


We specialise in finding intelligent, effective and flexible solutions for people looking to raise finance for a property. read more