Quantum-Web, founded in 2003, is an independent provider of market forecasting, market monitoring and tailored research & consultancy for telecoms and media industry.
Quantum-Web helps operators, vendors, regulatory bodies and the investment community make fact-based decisions on market trends and pricing strategies. With over 150 countries covered across the globe, Quantum-Web provides strategic insights through quantitative analysis to help our clients to achieve their key business objectives in the telecoms market.
Quantum-Web uses a variety of econometric models, statistical techniques and in-depth market behavioural analysis to provide a comprehensive market intelligence in the broadband sector.
We build our forecast models to explain and quantify the dynamic of markets or technologies.
M-Commerce.The volume of the US M-Commerce revenue will be exceeding US$48 billion dollars by 2017.Handset development, Mobile security and online payment facilities are the main factors to help the spectacular growth of M-Commerce in the US.
Wireless broadband Traffic 2012-2017.The volume of the Swedish wireless traffic will be exceeding 513 PB by 2017. Big screen devices, and non business subscribers are the major factors to increase the Wireless traffic in Sweden.
European Broadband Tariffs Q4 2011, EU 27 broadband tariffs are moving toward a harmonised pricing strategy across different access technologies.